Welcome everyone to what should hopefully be the beginnings of a space in which I can rant and rave in a somewhat edited and possibly proof read blog. I felt it was time to join up in the digital age and hopefully have a presence and get involved.
For those of you curious about who I am and had no patience for the About ME page, I am the Salvador Vega, the THE for some and plain old Sal for the rest. I am just a regular guy born and shaped in Orange California but a current resident of the foreign land of Los Angeles California and I'm just trying to live the dream, have my piece of the pie if you will. I work as a cameraman for Television and Feature Films, as well as work on whatever else that will pay the bills. I've had the good fortune to be mentored by some of the best and brightest, I've been even more fortunate to have had the many life experiences that I've had on my time here so far and here is where I would like to post some reflections of those stories, moments, and reflections while also keeping a current journal of my new adventures.
Please enjoy maybe let me know how you feel about some of the stories I'll share. Goodbye for now